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Ruthven Pastoral Charge

United Church of Canada

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Ruthven Pastoral Charge       United Church of Canada
Draft Official Board Minutes
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - 7pm
held in the Sanctuary of
Olinda-Ruthven United Church

Present: 21 persons, 3 persons attended via Zoom
      Co-Chairs: David Clifford and Richard Dalton
      Jana Blair, Margaret Fittler, Bev Haggins, Linda Hamilton, Phyllis Hicks,
      Tyler Hicks, Brenda Jones, Paul Jones, John Krey, Mary Maedel,
      Margaret Pare, Rob Pare, Marie Santos, Doug Scott, Karen Scott,
      Lottie Sharp, Dick Sharp, Barbara Whittle,
           Rev. Olav Kitchen (Minister)

On zoom: Barbara Keyes, Nancy Nelson, Rob Pettepiece

Excused/Regrets: Brenda Miller, Bill & Carolyn Kelly, Bonnie Monminie

Call to Order Co-Chair, Richard Dalton called the meeting together
      with a prayer and devotion 7:30 p.m.

Motion: It was moved and seconded that Brenda Jones be Appointed Minute
      Secretary for the Meeting.       Carried.

Motion: M/S that the Draft Agenda be approved.       Carried.

Correspondence: none

Motion: M/S Richard Dalton and Lottie Sharp be our representatives for the
      Annual Meeting of the Windsor-Essex United Church Development
      Fund, on Thursday April 27th at Glenwood United Church.

Pastoral Charge Reports:

Financial Report: Tyler Hicks

      Tyler reported that his report was not comparable to last year because Bev Haggins
      applied for a grant to help with both churches´ utilities.
      Our Annual Assessment ($ 5,488.00) came out in January.

Motion: Moved and Seconded that the Financial Report be accepted as presented.             Carried

Motion: M/S That whenever there is more than $10,000.00 is in the
      Charge Account, that the excess be returned to both churches
      using the 60/40 split.            Defeated

      Discussion followed and the motion was defeated.
      It was agreed that there would be more discussion for November budget.
      Tyler explained that ADP takes Rev. Olav’s wages and benefits out of
      the Charge Account around the middle of each month and he is requesting
      that the two treasures deposit money on the first day of each month.

Ministry & Personnel       Barb Whittle
      Barbara reported that the M & P Committee had an emergency meeting on
      Friday, February 24th to discuss a letter of Request for Retirement from
      Brenda Miller. Barbara read the letter and the M & P accepted her resignation.
      Brenda handed in a list of her duties which was handed out to those present at
      the M & P Meeting. Barbara noted the date of retirement as June 2, 2023.
      Thank you to Brenda Miller for here 34 years of dedicated service.

Motion: M/S to approve the list of Office Administrators duties.       Carried

     Discussion followed on a replacement for secretary/office administrator,
     independent contractor.

Motion: M/S that the M & P Committee be made the Search Committee and
      anyone else that wished to be on the Search Committee could be appointed.

      Barbara Reported on the dates of Olav´s vacation.

Worship Committee Karen Scott
      Karen reported on the Worship Committee Meeting.

New Business

      1.   Retirement Acknowledgement ¬ There was a discussion on a Retirement
           party for Brenda Miller.
           Brenda Jones was asked to be the convener. She accepted.

Motion: M/S that $1,000.00 from the charge be given for the party and
     one big gift.            Carried

Next Regular Meeting: TBA

Motion to Adjourn: M/S that the meeting be adjourned, about 8:45 pm. Carried

Blessing ¬ Olav


