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Ruthven Pastoral Charge

United Church of Canada

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Ruthven Pastoral Charge
Draft Official Board Minutes
Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 7pm via Zoom

A Meeting of the of Ruthven Pastoral Charge Official Board began at 7pm

Attendance: 27 people participated via Zoom:

Co-Chairs: Douglas Scott and Richard Dalton
Karen Scott, Carolyn Kelly, Bill Kelly, Margaret Pare, Beverly Haggins, Marie Santos, David Clifford, Robert Pare, Emily Rumbles & Theo, Bonnie Monminie, Dick Sharp, Lottie Sharp, Jim Jensen, Sandie Hutchinson, Robert Pare, Jana Blair, Richard Hicks, Phyllis Hicks, Barbara Keyes, Sandie Hutchinson, Tyler Hicks, I phone, Rev. Olav Kitchen (Minister), Brenda Miller (Secretary)

Call to Order

Welcome and Prayer
The Co-Chair, Richard Dalton did a reading followed by prayer.

Motion: Moved and Seconded The draft agenda was approved and Carried.

Motion: M/S the Draft Minutes of the last Meeting, Tuesday, July 28, 2020 be approved as sent. Cd.

Brenda tried to send the Sunday Service to everyone and it wasn’t working, file is to large to send.

Photo Directory – David Clifford would like to see as many pictures as possible. He plans on getting pictures of the Olinda-Ruthven Choir, the Minister and the Secretary. Bev asked about a collage to be in the Pictorial.

Correspondence – We got notice that the Mandate magazine is finished.

Pastoral Charge Reports/Updates:

Pastoral Charge Treasurer/Accountant - Tyler Hicks
A financial Statement from January to August had been sent out.
As it stands our budget is similar to other years. The charge doesn’t
receive donations, all monies come from each church so there is no
change. Bev has done a great job putting everything together to apply
for money. We hope we can keep it.
The money received was for salaries. Money can’t be give
to each individual church. The best solution is to reduce the money
given to the charge from each church.

Motion: That the printed Financial Statement be approved. Cd.

Motion: That payment from each church for November and December be deferred. Cd.

Treasurers -
    David Clifford, Olinda-Ruthven Stewards account is down
          about $8,700 from last year. $12,000 and $11, 000 in another account.
    Marie Santos, Trinity will be good till end of year.

Mission and Service (for Information)
       Olinda Ruthven     $7,608.00 as of August 31.
       Trinity                    No Report

Reopening Task Groups, Update - Richard Dalton/Bill Kelly
      The group is working diligently on getting the Services up and running.
    (Joint Task Group will be meeting next Tuesday to assess our progress)

Motion: to accept all reports. Cd.

New Business Service will be indoor this Sunday, September 27 at Olinda-Ruthven. Margaret suggested that we not have any activities for the rest of the year. Cottam United Church is having their Turkey Supper this year, It will all be take out.

Next Regular Meeting - Budget Meeting, Tuesday, November 24th 2020 via Zoom.
A proposed budget will be sent out to the committee prior to the meeting. M & P will meet prior to the meeting.


Motion: to Adjourn. Cd.

Closing Prayer:

Olav closed the meeting with prayer at 7:40pm


