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Ruthven Pastoral Charge

United Church of Canada

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Ruthven Pastoral Charge
Draft Official Board Minutes
Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 7pm via Zoom

A Meeting of the of Ruthven Pastoral Charge Official Board began at 7:01pm

Attendance: 22 people participated via Zoom:
Co-Chairs Douglas Scott and Richard Dalton
Karen Scott, Barbara Whittle, Carolyn Kelly, Bill Kelly, Margaret Pare, John Pare, Beverly Haggins, Marie Santos, David Clifford, Robert Pare, Emily Rumbles, Bonnie Monminie, Dick Sharp, Lottie Sharp, Jim Jensen, Sandie Hutchinson, Robert Pare, Jana Blair, Deanna Reid, Bob Reid.
       Rev. Olav Kitchen (Minister), Brenda Miller (Secretary)

Regrets: Tyler Hicks

House Keeping:
Olav started the meeting with some housekeeping. He asked that everyone mute themselves unless they had something to say and to turn their video off.

Welcome and Prayer
The Co-Chair, Doug welcomed every one, with a Covid-19 devotional called “Trouble”, and read Psalm 23 vs. 4. Followed with prayer.

Motion: Moved and Seconded The draft agenda was approved. Carried.

Motion: M/S the Minutes of the last Meeting Tuesday, May 11, 2020 be approved as sent. Cd.

Minister’s Report

Olav is learning more about new technology and Zoom worship services.
Zoom – The Pastoral Charge has the PRO package for $20 a month, one step up from the basic package. The new package can have 100 people and go 24 hours, with 1 G of cloud storage. Basic was free which was about 40 minutes.
In the Fall we may need to upgrade again, $7 more a month with this the Olinda-Ruthven Sunday School could use it, as well as Stewards and UCW.
Zoom will be okay for now till the Fall.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, July 29, the Rogers Hub will be tried at Trinity to see what the reception is there. St. George United Church in B.C. is doing well, they are an example to be looked at.

The task group has sent out a survey which will be looked at next week. We are limited to the numbers that we can have in our churches.
Trinity can have 30ish in the Sanctuary and Olinda-Ruthven 15-20 in the Sanctuary and 40ish in the Hall with keeping physical distancing.
Olav will be on vacation starting August 1st until the 14th. Zoom Services will resume August 16, from the Manse. The Ruthven Circuit Rider will continue in September. The Task Groups are working towards starting ‘in person’ worship services on September 13th – if people feel comfortable and safe.
It was mentioned that people are enjoying, Zoom Meetings, the Zoom Services and the Circuit Rider that is sent out.
We appreciate Olav trying to help us learn to use Zoom.
We don’t want any one catching this virus. It was asked if we can send out the invitation to other people to the Zoom Worship services. All agreed that it would be wonderful to include everyone.

Financial Information

Pastoral Charge – Bev Haggins
Tyler has sent out the financial Statement.
Bev told us that we were approved for the Federal wage subsidy program.
Bev is trying to get more information for the next application.
In the 2020 budget payments to the Central Treasure were reduced.

Motion: M/S That the Financial Report be approved as presented. Cd.

Opening Task Group

Not a lot of information to bring forward. Tentative date to reopen, September 13 with fogging. Waiting for surveys to come in as well as trying the Hub at Trinity. Joint Task Group Meeting August 5 at 7pm. So far 19 from Trinity and 23 from Olinda-Ruthven Survives have come in to the office. Maybe Brenda could send out a reminder to people.

Next Meeting: TBA


Motion: to Adjourn. Cd.

Closing Prayer:
Olav closed the meeting with prayer at 7:33pm


